A Rookie with the Pirates

Last season the World Rookie Finals awarder a trip to Canada with the Pirate Movie Production. Formed Rookie Champion, Gjermund Braaten got hill just few days before leave for the trip and the invitation moved to the rider ranked n°2 at the finals: the italian Giorgio Ciancaleoni. Waiting for the announcement of the World Rookie Fest 2009, here is an interview about the first experience of this youngster with a professional film production company.

Giorgio Ciancaleoni shredding at COC

Hi Giorgio, so how was your trip with the Pirate in Canada? That trip in Canada was the coolest I’ve ever done, I’ve met a lot of new people and everyone was super nice. I had the possibility to improve my riding skills with the international pros the whole week in the best summer park ever. Is there anything better than that?

Who were the riders there? Among the Pirates there were Tyler Chorlton, Sani Alibabic, Dan Brisse, Mike Casanova, Kalle Ohlson, Teo Konttinen, Mone Monsberger, and at the park people like Torstein Horgmo, Jhon Jackson, Jake Blaveult and many others…lots of cool people!

And how was the park? It was huge. All the structures you can immagine were there: a half pipe, lines of jumps, tons of rails all over the park and a spine quarter, so you can find everything there. It was shaped everyday and it was super fun.

What kind of sessions have you done? Usually during the morning we went snowboarding and then we stayed in the park and filmed till 2 p.m. more or less. Once we did a night session with a unique sunset…I’ve seen few like that…is has been a memorable session, lots of tricks and a general satisfaction.

Has it been useful surfing a week with the pros? Absolutely!! I’ve met a lot of new people, among photographers and riders, that’s always useful in our world. Moreover surfing with them I’ve learnt a lot of new tricks.

You’ve passed, so that’s a good present, isn’t it? Tell us something about your last school year, how was that? Well, it was an unespected and really lucky but also wonderful present. After all the school went ok and I passed without any debts (maybe because during the year I moved to an easier school, haha). Now I’m in the fourth class, in a linguistic high school, having missed any school year.

First time with Pros: Dan Brisse, Danny Larsen, Teo Konttinen…

Can you manage school and snowboarding? I mean, can you manage absences and oral examinations? Well in my new school to manage the two things is easier, in fact the teachers understand what I do and they help me with programmed oral examination etc…being sincere I believe that the tuition fee my parents have to pay every year helps me, it’s a private school…but that doesn’t play a big role, ahaha

You have already seen the Over Seas movie at the World Premiere in Innsbruck…how was it? I really liked it a lot, the shootings are huge and the parts of the riders are super cool. The parts that impressed me are those of Tyler Chorlton, Marko grilc and Gigi Ruf…you all should see this video.

How was taking part in that party? Up to now I’ve never seen parties and video presentations like those in Italy, thousands of people, all in a super good mood, Troble Andrew concert (it worthed being there just for this concert) and I’ve never seen so many hot chicks at just one party…3 on 4 were hot. Then thanks some guys Giacomo Margutti and I got the access to the vip area with free drinking…so…

Do you feel a little bit a ‘pirate’? I feel a pirate inside because I surf the snowboarding oceans finding the final treasure…

Have you noticed any difference between the organization of this movie project and the other shootings you took part in before? Sincerely I’ve seen more professionalism among the riders, they woke up early without any problems and they had party at night just in the right moments. Of course the budget of this production is higher than the others which I took part in, so they are able to afford 3 filmers, photographers, etc together.

What are your plans for the winter 08/09? This season is the olympic qualification year and the national team members are working really hard for that…up to now Vancouver 2010 is my goal, however I won’t leave the TTR track out. This season will be again focused on the competitions.

National and international competitions…pros and cons of each. Let’s make a difference among national competitions. On one hand we have in Italy contests on an international level, like Rock the Spot or River Jump, about these competitions you can’t say anything bad abd they can be compared to the international ones. On the other hand you have all these small contests on the calendar during the season just to have more events on each week end. I hate that because this situation doesn’t let the guys to take part in the competitions they want to. I think that the calendar should be better organized, trying to get the better organization possible out of each contests and trying to limit the number of the events. Quality is better than quantity.

Giorgio rock at the Pirate Sessions in COC

What do you think about the “only rookie” competitions? Acconding to my experience what I can do is to praise this kind of events because they gave me the possibility to take part in this trip. I believe the rookie fest works really well for the growing up of young riders because on one hand riding with guys of the same age helps pushing each other and improving, and on the other hand it gives the chance to take part in international events that can take a flourishing career…

You are one of the most up-and-coming rookie of the Italian scene, what would you suggest to a talented guy who wants to stand out? The most important thing is to believe in what you are doing and to go ahead proud of your dreams and your goals. Morevoer the eagerness is fundamental, you have to work hard obtain what you want…I would like to suggest the young riders’ parents to stand always by your kids, because one day they will be grateful and thankful for that.

A greeting to…Davide, Rugge, Matt, Sisko, Riki, Comi, Resco and all my friends from Varese, Giacomo Margutti, the whole snowpark crew and all the girls I know.. most of all the cute ones.
A hi-five to…all the people mentioned above…
A tug a ear to...Vago, Rugge and Matty because of the too much racket I’m often involved…
A thanks to..Burton, all the photographers and filmers I worked with and all those who make this dream possible…thnx guys

Interview by Marco Sampaoli
Pictures Courtery by Joel Fraser and Pirate Movie Production

Author: mucca