Big changes in the Swatch TTR Top 10 After slopestyle format of the Burton Europ

BIG CHANGES IN THE SWATCH TTR TOP 10 AFTER SLOPESTYLE FORMAT OF THE BURTON EUROPEN OPEN Laax, Switzerland – 15th January 2010: The Finns took a double victory today at the 6Star Burton European Open in Laax, Switzerland, where the circus- themed event hit full swing with the men’s and women’s slopestyle finals. Thanks to a perfectly executed last run, Peetu Piiroinen (FIN) took the title and left Mikkel Bang (NOR) in second and Gjermund Braaten (NOR) in third. On the women’s side, newcomer Enni Rukajärvi (FIN), who recently took the title of the 6Star Roxy Chicken Jam, dominated the competition from the semi finals on and was able to secure first place. Second place went to local Sina Candrian and third to current Swatch TTR Tour leader Sarka Pancochova (CZE).

Finns Rule With Precision and Style
Piiroinen solidified his top spot in the Swatch TTR ranking with his technical run
consisting of a 270 Boardslide 270 Out, Backside 360 Mute Pole-jam, Frontside
Disaster, Switch Front Board, Inverted Cab 720, Backside 1080 Tail, Frontside
900 and Cab 1080. Peetu was in a great mood after his victory and beamed “It’s
really great for my TTR ranking to get my 6th result and a better lead…now I
don’t have so much pressure!”

The stoked 19-year old Rukajärvi moved into TTR World No. 7 and stated “I was
really nervous in the semis because I wanted to get to the finals, but once I got in
I was able to just ride”. Her determination showed in the finals where she
reached top scores with her second run consisting of a 50-50 Boardslide to
Fakie, Cab 360 Slide, Cab 270 Boardslide, 50-50 on Downbox, Stalefish
Frontside 360 Indy, Backside mute 540 and a stylish Cab 720.

Big changes in the Swatch TTR Top10 Men and Women
With a third place today Pancochova defended her Tour lead. But closing the gap
is Swiss Sina Candrian who moved up one position and now sits in World No. 2,
improving her chances to take over the Tour lead after the halfpipe format. “This
would be awesome and then keeping that spot would be even better”, Candrian
said but retained that her main focus is to collect one more valuable 6Star result
in tomorrow’s halfpipe final.

In the men’s rankings, Swiss rider Christian Haller managed to enter the Swatch
TTR Top 5. With his World No. 5 position he has good chances to move into
World No. 2 tomorrow in the halfpipe format. Also his fellow Swiss rider Iouri
Podladtchikov has a good shot at a TTR Top 5 spot.
One more 6Star Result to be won in Tomorrow’s Halpipe Finals
Tomorrow will see the halfpipe finals and with many of the Olympic hopefuls
present, the battle will be fierce for both the women’s and men’s. If you
cannot make it to Laax, make sure to check out the live webcast on or watch the finals live on the following TV channels:
13h00-14h15 Eurosport 2 (Europe), NRK 2 (NOR) und Rai Sport (ITA)
15h15-16h30 auf SF1 (SUI) und von 20h00-22h00 auf Star TV (SUI).

Video Event Highlights
Head to for all the latest video highlights from the Burton
European Open, O’Neill Evolution and Roxy Chicken Jam events. Also, take a
minute to view the fresh TTR Rider Check Out videos to get an inside glimpse
into the minds of riders on tour. Also go to for
more information on the European Open.

NEWSLETTER: Subscribe to the Swatch TTR Newsletter on

VIDEO: TTR Burton European Open 2010 Slopestyle Winners – Peetu & Enni

Swatch TTR World Ranking List as of 09.01.2010

Rank Name Nation Results Points
1 Pancochova, Sarka CZE 6 760.4
2 Candrian, Sina SUI 6 726.84
3 Maas, Cheryl NED 6 706.53
4 Wiik, Lisa NOR 5 627.72
5 Sadar, Cilka SLO 6 613.42
6 Gotlieb, Shelly NZL 5 517.68
7 Rukajävi, Enni FIN 4 472.92
8 Sladics, Chanelle USA 4 467.3
9 Fuller, Aimee GBR 6 457.25
10 Anderson, Jamie USA 4 455.72

Rank Name Nation Results Points
1 Piiroinen, Peetu FIN 6 871.14
2 Grilc, Marko SLO 6 686
3 Sandbech, Stale NOR 6 601.1
4 Smits, Seppe BEL 6 587.25
5 Haller, Christian SUI 5 561.91
6 Willett, Eric USA 6 544.56
7 Braaten, Gjermund NOR 6 514.92
8 Holvik, Tore NOR 6 511.7
9 Podladtchikov, Iouri SUI 4 510.84
10 Elhardt, Elias GER 5 484.41

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result database that does not refer to one sports organisation only.

Author: silvia