Cappuccino Club Charity Banked Slalom 2017

Cappuccino Club presents the 4th annual Charity Banked Slalom, 23rd April 2017, close to Kühtai’s famous KPark. Let’s spend the day together snowboarding on an “insanely fun course“ (KORUA’s ambassadors) and having a good time with old and new friends.


They collect money for „Shred for a smile“ – kids event in Tyrol and other charity projects. The Cappuccino Club’s Charity Banked Slalom is proudly part of the WSF Banked Slalom Tour that celebrates the history of snowboarding.

Finish the Race Course together with us on our last day of shaping and building banks. Your help is rewarded with training runs which will give you better race track knowledge on the race day. We team up with Air&Style and the KPark Shape Team to build an innovative Banked Slalom with some surprising elements.


Open Shape Day
Saturday, April 22nd 2017
Kühtai, Tyrol, Austria, Alpenrosenlift

Race Day
Sunday, April 23rd 2017
Kühtai, Tyrol, Austria, Alpenrosenlift

Chill & Grill in the Finishing Area
Grab a seat, watch the race, and enjoy a nice barbecue, beer or cake and have fun with friends. The Chill Area ist easily accessible from parking lot in a 2min walk.
You are welcome to bring a cake or something we can sell to donate 🙂

2runs, fastest counts
Maximum starters: 110

Legenden / legends (> 30, m/w)
Erwachsen / adult (17-30, m/w)
Juniors (14-16, m/w)
Jugend / youth (12-13, m/w)
Kinder / kids  (< 12)
Familien / families (time of fastest adult + fastest child is aggregated)
Teams (pair up – fastest time of each teammember will be aggregated)
Best Retrostyle (whatever Retro means to you!)

KPark Enjoy a slushy Superpipe and Snowpark in between and after your race runs.
Check out


Author: Elisa