Emil Ulsletter winner of 5Star TTR Burn Slopestyle Contest in Livigno

All the best riders coming up from the past editions of the Rookie Fest got the highest spots of the Burn River Jump final ranking list.

Emil Ulsletten, Rookie Champion 2012, is the winner of the BURN SLOPESTYLE CONTEST 2012 in Livigno, Italy. Thanks to his great performance the 18 year old Norwegian managed to convince the judges and claimed the slopestyle title of the 6th edition of the BURN RIVER JUMP 2012, winning US

8.000 prize-money and valuable points for the TTR ranking list. Accompanied by lots of spectators Emil Ulstletten celebrated his victory followed by his fellowman Ulrik Badertscher and Roope Tonteri, World Rookie Champion 2010 and 2011.

Author: silvia