Enni celebrates her Swatch TTR world champion title

This winter the 19-year old rookie from Finland, Enni Rukajärvi took the snowboarding world by storm by appearing almost out of thin air and dominating the top slopestyle events. Fresh from finishing high school, she begun competing a few years prior at her home mountain and it became clear that she had a talent. With her textbook style and fearless mind Rukajärvi cleaned up almost every slopestyle title she tried for this winter, slowly climbing the TTR ranks and growing stronger also in the halfpipe. At the nail biting tour ending 6Star event, the Roxy Chicken Jam US, her efforts were rewarded and she was crowned Swatch TTR World Snowboard Champion 2009/2010, earning herself

50,000 USD and automatic invites to all major TTR events for the 2010/2011 season.

Author: silvia