Invitation to the WSF General Assembly 2012

The World Snowboard Federation’s (WSF) 2012 annual General Assembly will take place in Munich, Germany from 4th -5th of May 2012. Delegates from the National Snowboard Associations and members of WSF are invited to attend the General Assembly.

Members who want to submit any specific suggestions/proposals to the WSF General Assembly must send this by e-mail to the Board, no later than 4th of April 2012.

General Assembly Location:
Hotel La Terrazza
Bianco Gastro GmbH
Bahnhofstrasse 30
82152 Planegg
Telefon: 089 / 89 99 630
Fax: 089 / 89 99 63 31

The hotel is located about 12 km from Munich central station. (about Euro 25 for a taxi and Euro 3 for train/underground). See here travel information.

For room reservations please use the above email address. Please book your rooms directly with the hotel. Rooms are reserved till 10th of April. Please book early and if you plan to stay till Sunday, please make you booking as soon as possible.

Room rates including breakfast:
Double room – Euro 95 pr room pr night (paid cash Euro 85).
Single room – Euro 65 pr room pr night.

On the Friday an evening event can be organized for all participants for Euro 14 pr person. More details will be given during Friday 4th May and there is no need for signing up until then.

The Agenda for the week

Friday 4th May
1200 – 1400 WSF Board meeting

1500 – 1530 Opening / welcome WSF General Assembly
1530 – 1630 WSF General Assembly
1630 – 1700 Break
1700 – 1800 WSF General Assembly

1900 Social activity

Saturday 5th May
1000 – 1300 WSF General Assembly
1300 – 1500 Lunch
1500 – 1800 WSF General Assembly
According to the Statues of WSF the WSF General Assembly will:

  • Appoint a secretary to take the minutes
  • Appoint 2 persons to confirm and sign the minutes.
  • Approve the votes and proxies.
  • Approve the agenda
  • Appoint the scrutineers for the period of the Assembly
  • Approve the minutes of the previous GA.
  • Approve the reports of the President and the Board.
  • Approve the reports from each region and each commission
  • Approve the financial and auditor’s report.
  • Approve the accounts.
  • Approve the annual membership fee as determined by the Board.
  • Approve the budget for the following year.
  • Assess and vote on the applications for new membership
  • Elect the President, Vice-president and treasurer.
  • Elect up to 3 additional members of the Board of Directors.
  • Elect a qualified auditor.
  • Elect a Controlling Committee of 3 qualified members.
  • Elect a election committee for the next GA

Discuss or vote on any other issues on the agenda, which is presented in writing and distributed to the members together with the agenda.

No other items can be added to the agenda and decided upon.

Delegates will receive the final Agenda with reports no later than two (2) weeks prior the date of the meetings.

The WSF Board look forward to seeing all of the NSAs in Munich. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Gunnar Tveit
World Snowboard Federation

Author: silvia