JSBA 25th Anniversary

Last october the Japan Snowboard Association held is Board of Directors annual meeting. In this season the JSBA will have it’s 25th anniversary: the world long-standing independent snowboard association of ever. We hope the same future for all WSF national snowboard associations! Follows a short report about this important meeting of this important meeting of the Asian snowboard culture.

26 October 2006
ShinbashiKuminKaikan, Tokyo, Japan
JSBA held Board of Director’s meeting

This meeting based on Board of Director and Regional Club Director meet one table. There were delegates from Control Committee, Technical Committee, Educational Committee, Safety Patrol Committee and Industry Dept. They reported from each Committee, shared ideas and checked calendars.. but most important subject for this season is that JSBA coming season will be the 25th anniversary!

This mean taht JSBA is the world long-standing independent snowboard association of ever!In the photos the JSBA BoD! They seem (and are!) very serious but be sure, all of them are good snowboarders!

Author: mucca