LFC 2012: Carla Somaini and Lisa Zimmermann are the winners

Wildhaus, the resort of the canton of St. Gall, welcomed the second qualifying round of the LADIES FIRST CHALLENGE – the first Swiss ski and snowboard „freestyle“ tour reserved for the girls. About 30 riders of all of Europe were present. The Swiss girl Carla Somaini won the competition in the category snowboard and the German girl Lisa Zimmermann in the category freeski.

Results Wildhaus | Ladies First Challenge | TIBTIB.tv from Thibaut Schaller on Vimeo.

The level of this second competition of the LFC was very high. In snowboard the judges were really impressed by the winning run of Carla Somaini on the lign of jumps. The young 20-year old snowboarder from Zurich has sent a big Back 360° teil grab and Front 540° underflip. She received 900 francs . With a beautiful Back 360° and a Front 540° very neat, Celia Petrig of Trachslau was on the second step of the podium with a reward of 400 francs. Cindy Kälin of Gross completed the podium (Cab 540°, Back 360°) with 200 francs in her pocket.

The numerous public attending the event was rewarded by a big show with the freeskiers ! The big winner of the day was the German girl Lisa Zimmermann who made an incredible Cork 900° teil on the biggest jump of the snowpark. She received the amount of 250 francs for her best run of the final. The seconbd step of the podium got to the French girl Coline Balet-Baz of Grenoble who assured a 540° and a Flat 540° on

the lign of jump. She received a financial reward of 150 francs. The podium was completed with the Austrian girl Philomena Bair who succeeded in a lovely 540° and a 180°. She received 100 francs.


March 23 : Leysin (VD) : Last qualifying round for the final

March 24 : Leysin (VS) : Final of the LADIES FIRST CHALLENGE 2012



1. Carla Somaini 50 pts -> CHF 900.-
2. Celia Petrig 40 pts -> CHF 400.-
3. Cindy Kälin 36.4 pts -> CHF 200 .-
4. Verena Rohrer 36 pts
5. Anaïs Cettou 35.6 pts qualified for the Final
6. Franziska Hansch 35.5 pts -> qualified for the Final (Anaïs already won her ticket)
7. Caroline Höckel 34 pts
8. Andrea Binkert 32 pts
9. Ramona Petrig 28 pts
10. Stéphanie Kauert 26.8 pts

Author: silvia