Source European Snowboarding Industry Forum

BoardsportSource, Europe’s business magazine for surf/snow/skate is holding the sixth Snowforum from the 28-30th of April in Annecy, France.

After the success of last year in Garmish, this years annual snowboard conference is the platform that brings the industry together to discus the board market and its unique issues. The opening dinner on Wednesday evening will be followed by two days of seminars and workgroups. This years opening dinner speaker is Chris Stiepock, Vice President and General Manager Global X events and development.

This years seminar topics include:
European and North American 2009/10 snowboard figures,
European and North American 2009/10 freeski figures
In the mind of digital natives,
Practical sustainability – lets get started,
Wearable technologies – pimp your ride,
The Balkan market,
Online video – Fast Forward

The Workgroups will continue to incubate and develop ideas that can be used to drive the industry forward. The concept for the successful First Try onsnow demo was hatched at last years forum.

On Thursday night at the Snowball evening funds will be raised for environmental causes and the European Snowboard Industry Awards presented.

Saturday the 1st of May is an optional riding day.

Join us and help shape your industry at Europe’s only snowboarding’s conference, obtain knowledge that will enable you to make better business decisions while
networking with snowboarding’s key players.

To download full program details and to see last years video highlights go to : 2010

Author: silvia