The Webpage Of Wang Lei, the Pioneer Of Snowboarding In China, Is Live

A Ji Lin city native who now lives in Beijing, Wang Lei gained quite a profile during his professional sports career, and always keeps a high level activity through his incredible talent and skill. He is a compassionate and dependable character with a quick wit, he gives and gets respect from everyone he encounters.

Upon retiring from an active contest career, Wang Lei’s travels within China and abroad make him a living and breathing testimony of the lifestyle he made his own.

Wang Lei is currently associated with Nitro, O’Neill, XSories, HOME Timelabs Switzerland, 71%, JBMC and is the spokesman for Protect Our Winters in China and serves as the president of the China Snowboard Association.

His vision and work carries on through associating relevant, visionary brands with the local market in order to progress Snowboarding in China.

Watch this space, and immerse in Wang Lei’s World within and beyond the Chinese Extreme Sports Culture.

Connect with Wang Lei on Facebook (, Instagram(@wangleisnow) and Weibo(@王磊Wanglei1977)!

Author: silvia