TTR and WSF 2010/2011 event application now online

The Swatch TTR World Snowboard Tour and World Snowboard Federation (WSF) are working together to create a better snowboarding environment for the future of our sport. Join the TTR Tour now and be part of the most respected snowboard tour worldwide with over 150 events around the globe.

Competition organizers can find an application form online which is available for all next season’s events on a 1 to 6Star level. Every regional and national event at a lower level has the opportunity to be easily and perfectly integrated in the Swatch TTR World Snowboard Tour 2010/2011 and, thus, becoming an active player in the most progressive freestyle Tour of the planet.

All interested events must submit their online application until June 1st, 2010. Online application is mandatory for all 1 to 6Star events. On a 1 to 3Star level, applications will be reviewed and managed by the WSF, 4 to 6Star events are reviewed and managed by the TTR Calendar Committee.

A lot of information is already available online in dedicated sections on both and (the TTR and WSF websites), while additional details will be given after the upcoming General Assemblies on May 21th to 22st 2010. With this year’s Swatch TTR World Snowboard Tour General Assembly located in Barcelona, Spain and the WSF General Assembly (TTR’s partner organization) happening at the same time and location, we anticipate a gathering of the largest group of snowboard events experts ever all in the same spot. Issues such as event formats, requirements and calendar will be discussed in different work shops.

For events who want to remain a part of the Tour and those who want to join, please note the following important dates:

Application Deadline Southern Hemisphere 10/11: June 1st, 2010
Application Deadline Northern Hemisphere 10/11: June 1st, 2010

Here is the link to the online-event-application for the season 10/11

If you have any questions please email

Author: silvia