TTR/WSF Judge Session 2011

The World Snowboard Federation (WSF) in collaboration with Ticket to Ride (TTR) and International Snowboard Judges Committee (IJC) are happy to invite you to The Judge Session in Innsbruck, Austria from November 25th to 27th 2011. This is the first International TTR/WSF Judge Clinic and we are planning to be repeated every year.

The goal of the session is to create an uniform judging platform that spans all levels of snowboard competitions. This will make judging far more consistent for both the riders and judges alike. 

National Judge Session – day one (25th Nov) and day two (26th Nov)

International Judge Session – day three (27th Nov) 

About the Session

National Level Session (basics) – open for everybody

This National Session is geared towards smaller events (1 to 3 Star regional level). The focus is on judging and judge training. It also includes training on safety and “How To Run” freestyle events, as well as judging systems and formats. During the format section also the SLS Judging System will be presented. The clinic includes a final test (video judging and theory).

By completing the test at the end of the national judge-clinic, participants will receive a “TTR/WSF National C Certification” – which gives them certification to judge at 1 – 3 Star events and to be head judge at 1 and 2 Star events.

After a judge fulfills the criteria laid out in the attached document and attends the required Judging Session, higher levels of certification will be awarded, up to National B. 

International Clinic – workshop about SLS Judging System

Entry criteria:

– TTR/WSF National B Certificate and a recommendation from their NSA (max. 2 per nation)

- Invited Judges by TTR

By attending the international judge-clinic and fulfilling the criteria, participants will receive a “TTR/WSF A Level Certification” – which gives them the permission to be judge at 4 and 5 Star events and to be head judge at 4 Star events. Once a A certification is achieved they will be certified to train judges in their region, in cooperation with the NSA they belong to. This education has to be based on the provided education material and a maximum of a National C Certification can be awarded at the regional level. If the Judge fulfills the criteria, he will get the National B Certificate.

After the judges or the NSA they belong to can prove judged events on 4 and 5 Star level, they have fulfilled the criteria and shown strong leadership and judging skills they will receive the “TTR/WSF International PRO Certificate” – which gives them the permission to judge 6 Star level and to be head judge on 5 and 6 Star level.

Download here the Criteria sheet for more informations.

(photo credits: Eleonora Raggi)

Author: silvia