Wanted: Helping Hands for The Arctic Challenge

Become a volunteer at one of the greatest snowboard events in world – For a while, it looked like “The Arctic Challenge” could not run this year because of financial issues. But just in time, the last sponsors saved the event, and only few weeks before start, we got a green light to start planning the arena building. One of the reasons TAC is possible this year, is because we are sharing the arena costs with freestyle ski half pipe (held 5 days before TAC).

Already on Monday (25.feb), the building of the arena started, and we are short on strong hands the whole week. Please join our crew, and help us to create the biggest winter action sport event in Norway this year! If you are able to join us next week already, please send us an e-mail (frivillig@thearcticchallenge.com) with dates and time you will be able to be here. The arena crew is on spot every day from 09.00 to 20.00, and will need help to set up everything from sound, light, branding and tents.

We also need a lot of people during TAC, so if you will be able to join between 06 – 13 march, please fill out this form and tell us when you can give us a hand.


You will receive loooots of good karma, big smiles, new friends and a little goodie bag 🙂

Hope to see you in Oslo! if not as a crew member, a part of the audience that create the good vibes in “Tryvann vinterpark” during the final 9th of March.

Check out the website for more information about the event: www.thearcticchallenge.com

For any additional information please contact

Katrine Røed

Mobile: +47 908 78 799

Skype: katrine@thearcticchallenge.com

Web: www.thearcticchallenge.com

Twitter: TAC_2013

Author: silvia