Where will we go riding in 2050?

Average snow levels fall, temperatures raise : +1°C to +3°C depending from the massif during the last 45 years! Emissions of CO2 due to tourism: facing climate disturbance, ski resorts are on the front line. What we can do?

Where will you go skiing in 2050?
Climate change: Which future and which solutions for the ski resorts?

Bilan Carbone™ of the ski resorts
In this context, a pilot committee of 10 resorts has been created by the ANMSM (Association Nationale des Maires des Stations de Montagne, National Association of the Mayors of Mountain resorts), in order to conduct a Bilan Carbone™ (CO2 assessment) of the ski resorts, in partnership with the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and following the study conducted by Mountain Riders in August 2007: “Assessment of the Greenhouse gases”

It’s a first in France, and the results of this study were presented during the round table: “Bilan Carbone™ and adaptation to climate change in the mountain resorts”.

In partnership with:
Chambéry Promotion, French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME), Association Nationale des Maires des Stations de Montagne : ANMSM, Fondation Nicolas Hulot pour la Nature et l’Homme, Météo France and DSV Umweltbeirat.

2nd Edition of the « Guide Vert des stations de montagne (« Green Guide of the ski resorts »)
During this round table, Mountain Riders presented the second edition of its “Guide Vert des Stations de Montagne”. 58 French but also foreign ski resorts take part in it.

You can easily assess the actions conducted by your favourite ski resort in favour of sustainable development, thanks to the 40 environmental evaluation criteria, distributed among 7 themes: transport, energy, environmental planning, water, waste, social, actions to raise public awareness of environmental issues.

Essential for this winter!

Download the « Guide Vert »: http://www.mountain-riders.org/presse/guidevert.pdf
Cover of the guide: http://www.mountain-riders.org/presse/pg_guide_vert.pdf

Further information:
Documents to download: http://mountainriders.free.fr
Mountain Riders’ Website: www.mountain-riders.org
Laurent, department Environmental Research Laurent@mountain-riders.org

Presentation of the association
The aim of the association Mountain Rider is the education to environment and the promotion of sustainable development in the mountains. Created in 2000, she organizes every spring the cleaning of slopes in the Alps , Pyrenees, and the Vosges in order to raise awareness of the direct pollution linked with mass tourism and of the waste of the resources of our society.

Mountain Riders leads educative actions for schools, ski clubs, reception centers as well as for the general public during contests, festivals, exhibitions. The association is meant to be non-moralizing and educative. She wishes to inform in order to raise everyone’s awareness of our environmental impact and to promote actions to reduce it. She wishes to promote sustainable alternatives and responsible tourism, and address professionals as well as elected representatives from the mountain resorts.

Author: mucca