World Rookie Fest Finals 07

Last week end was concluded the World Rookie Tour 2007 with the final event in Kuthai. A nice selection of riders from 8 country land in Tyrol to compete in the last WSF rookie event of the season for World Rookie Champion Title and a ticket to Air&Style Rookie Session. Follows story, pics and ranks.

World Rookie Fest Finals 2007 – Kuthai

The russian winner Sergey Lapushkin and Julian Furstinger from Swiss

Kuthai hosted WSF World Rookie Fest Finals with a nice selection of riders from 8 countries running session on jump and rail line. Sergey Lupushkin from Russia resulted the best rider of the event winning the WSF World Rookie Champion Title and a ticket for TTR 6Stars Air&Style 2007 Rookie Session. He showed nice bs900 on the big jump and good selection of trick on the hip.

The Rookie Fest Yeti gets wings and ride the park with the kids!

Nicole Gsponer from Switzerland was the best girl and get a tictet to TTR 2Star Pinky Jam 2007 while the groms (under 14 years old) show again how high is the level of youngsters entering the boys podium: grom winner, Jan Scherrer, got 3rd boys rank and a ticket to 3Star World Rookie Fest 2008 in Livigno. On saturday rail session Thomas Pribik resulted the best obtaing the second ticket to Livigno WRF08.

The event was funny and positive for all riders involved. In the program were included avalanche clinics, video and photo session and social catering to make the riders socialize and know each others.

A couple of nice pics with Jan Scherrer, best grom and 3rd overall

Set up of the k-park was very good with 2 table top with several jumps, followed by a huge hip and including a nice selection of rails. After training and qualification days, finals on saturday morning got a windy day which didn’t allow the use of the whole park.

Tons of pics, video and full story will be avaible soon on

Ranks for World Rookie Fest Finals
Kuthai – Austria

1 Gsponer Nicole SUI
2 Walker Nadine SUI
3 Podgorna Anna POL

1 Lapushkin Sergey RUS
2 Fassnacht Fabian SUI
3 Scherrer Jan SUI
4 Pribik Thomas AUT
5 Boscacci Nicola SUI
6 Pircher Simon AUT
7 Betschart DominikSUI
8 Sleeckx Yannick BEL
9 Storch Nils GER
10 Fürstinger JulianSUI
11 Bachmann Lars SUI
12 Gschaider MaxiGER
13 Pellegrino Mattia ITA
14 Rybansky Martin SVK
15 Anzaldi Davide ITA
16 Ruggero Naccari ITA
17 Held Patrick AUT
18 Dreher Paul AUT

Rookies, girls and groms podium

Pictures by Armin Popp

Author: mucca