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As every autumn, the WSF board will come together on a weekend for the WSF AUTUMN BoD MEETING.
WSF hereby invites delegates from the NSAs to join the open sessions for the National Snowboard Associations, where it will discuss plans for the winter and other topics, such as: grass root projects, development of national and regional events, etc.
More detailed info about the agenda and address of the meetings will be online in a couple of weeks.

If you wish to attend the meeting, please send a short note latest until 15.October 2014 to

Please feel free to contact us as well for questions, help with finding accommodation, topic suggestions, etc.,

The WSF BoD is looking forward to welcoming you in Innsbruck!

Sat, 15. November 2014 – Sun 16. November 2014
Innsbruck, Austria

Author: silvia