WSF Banked Slalom Tour is back for the 2019/20 season!


Banked Slalom

WSF Banked Slalom Tour is back for the 2019/20 season!


Banked Slalom

Time to build those banked turns again! The WSF Banked Slalom Tour is back this season with some fresh information for all events organizers and national associations.

What is the Banked Slalom Tour?
The WSF Banked Slalom Tour (BST) was launched in October 2014. The BST is an international tour to promote and celebrate the history of snowboarding. WSF Banked Slalom Tour concept offers a platform and a network within currently existing events and support to create new ones.

How to become part of the WSF Banked Slalom Tour?
WSF invites all national associations and event organizers that already have a banked slalom contest on their schedule to be part of the tour and fill out the attached application form to participate.
WSF also invites all of you to organize a Banked Slalom contest and get support from us on how to do it. We will give technical support to those who have never organized a Banked Slalom event, but WSF will also support the PR and communication activities of already scheduled events.

Please download the application form and check out the general information, event benefits and recommendations. Membership application is to be found here. Do not hesitate to contact us at:
Please send the application form back to:
What are our goals with the WSF Banked Slalom Tour?
  • To expose the true  spirit of snowboarding to everyone
  • To offer National Snowboard Associations a new competitive format for their national tour and self promotion
  • To develop a WSF event that allows everyone to participate
  • To develop a low risk event
  • To develop Banked slalom courses that allow all levels of snowboarder to develop their skills

Which tools do we use to achieve the goals?

What is this year’s tour structure?

The vision is to create events which allow riders of all levels to participate. In order to bring more people into the sport, we decided to start with a very easy concept, combining athletic performance with fun.

There are many existing banked slalom events world wide. The WSF tour concept is to offer a platform and network within currently existing events, bringing more attention to banked slalom, as well as the individual events.

The podium winners (female and male) from all tour stops will participate in a ruffle. The ruffle will be conducted through online video at the end of the season (beginning of next season). Through the ruffle, grand prize will be an invitation to the Legendary Mount Baker Banked Slalom. Additional prizes will be given to ruffle participants, such as t-shirts and accessories.

What are the benefits for the event organizers?

  • Event profile on WSF home page
  • Right to use BST logo
  • Included in WSF BST Calendar and Flyer
  • PR communication for individual events, prior to and after the event
  • PR communication about the tour, including all events
  • Assistance in developing all aspects of each event and banked slalom in general after request
  • Networking platform for organizers to communicate regarding banked slalom events online meeting (one-two per year)
  • Prizes through the ruffle system
  • Possibility to work with Quattro media for a special deal – 2-3 internet videos 2-5 min. for internet distribution + TV integration in a 26 min. TV show (world wide distributed) for 1500,- (Media evaluation included)
Full Event Membership WSF:
  • Access to WSF Member Benefits Program
  • Full Member with participation and voting right (see appendix 1)
  • Inclusion in the WSF Calendars
  • Promotion of the events through the WSF Media Channels
  • Third limited liability through WSF (more info after request)
  • Excess to WSPL/WSF Rankings

Complete information are to be found in the official presentation.

If you have any questions just drop as an e-mail at: