WST/WSF Asia Regional Judge Forum 2015

The World Snowboard Tour (WST) and The World Snowboard Federation (WSF) are pleased to announce the WST/WSF Asia Regional Judge Forum in Beijing, China from January 11th to 12th 2015.


The Forum serves an education and collaboration environment that brings together snowboard judges, as well as coaches, riders, event organizers, and national snowboarding association (NSA) representatives who are interested in their personal progression in, and the future progression of, snowboard judging.

The Forum will address the current status of snowboard judging and judge education in relation to the tours, the events, and rider progression, and how best to support that progression and prepare the next generation of judges for the coming competition seasons.

Broken into two sessions, the National Judge Clinic is held during two days:

January 11th -12th 2015

 Registration for the clinic closes January 5th, 2015.

The National Clinic is geared towards entry to intermediate amateur level events at Regional and National level (formerly WST 1-3Star level). Focus is on judging and judge training and outlines Head Judge responsibilities. It also includes training regarding safety and running of freestyle events, as well as judging systems and formats. During the format section the SLS will also be covered as well as a brief introduction to the new WST 2.0 Halfpipe system. The clinic includes a test component that consists of video judging and theory.

By completing the test at National Judge Clinic, participants are awarded a “WST/WSF National C Judge” level certification – allowing them to judge at Regional and National level events.

More info:

Author: Elisa