Audi Winter Cup 2007 in Russia

Audi Cup stroke russian resort “Snegny” in Saint Petersburg last march with a huge gap session dominated by rookies. Boardercross competition, rally pilots and firework showcase complete the program of this nice event.

Date: 10 March 2007
Place: Saint-Petersburg, Korobitsino, Mountain-skiing resort “Snegny”

First time in Russia the unique contest was held on 10th March 2007 in Saint-Petersburg!Ski & board cross, Big Air (Gap) and the best rally pilots show school “Quattro” were held in the Mountain – skiing resort complex “Snegny” at once!The best Russian sportsmen competed, the best referee umpired, the best arrangement and the best spectators and fans took part in the show! All of that you could see on the 10 March 2007!AUDI WINTER CUP with Big Air contest for the first time was held at the shape “GAP” with the leading shaper Sergey Tarasov – The Senior.

28 riders requested for taking part in the qualification and 11 reached the final.It was really strong and highly-skilled staff: Sergey Tarasov – The Champion of Russia in Big Air of 2006 and The Champion of Russia in Half Pipe of 2007, Petr Yastrebkov won the title of The Champion of Russia in Big Air in 2007 , Sergey Lapushkin is the winner of “World Rookie Fest Finals 2007”.The main umpire of the Big Air competition was Alexey Potapov, umpire attested under the version IJC –WSF PRO-1 category. In qualification each rider had two attempts to reach the final and 11 sportsmen have reached it.The riders demonstrated the high technique skills: what would the show of Denis Poltavskiy cost who did the Double Back Flip five times running and got the Prize of Viewer Sympathy and we got a lots of positive emotions and impressions!

As a result of long meeting of panel of judge was the verdict:
The 1st place – Sergey Tarasov, Saint-Petersburg with the prize of

Author: mucca