Austrian Masters 2007

Austrian Masters 2007 was succesfully completed with a nice showcase from the best austrian riders. The K-Park in Kuthai offer a nice set up to the registred riders to show thei best trick to an exhited audience.

The Austrian Masters 2007 in Kühtai were a great event not only because
of the perfect park setup but also because of the fantastic weather

The park consisting of a double kicker line followed by a huge corner
and several rails was a beautiful playground for the riders.
Various technical tricks were seen and everyone had a great time!
See you in 08.

1. Patrick Huber
2. Kröll Rudi
3. Fill Hubert

1. Julia Baumgartner
2. Conny Bleicher
3. Sandy Gecek

1. Thomas Tramnitz
2. Thomas Feuerstein
3. Stefan Kröll

All pics by Amplatz Andy

Author: mucca