World Snowboard Day 2009: Poster Ready


Banked Slalom


20 December 2009

World Snowboard Day 2009: Poster Ready


Banked Slalom

Date And Time

20 December 2009

For its 4th edition, the World Snowboard Day comesback on Sunday, December 20, 2009 with more countriesand more snow resorts. So book your day now, prepare yoursnow outfit and choose your destination!


The World Snowboard Day has been growing rapidlyfor three years and has tripled the number of events around the world. Partecipants have 3 times morelocations to enjoy this day, and 3 times more possibilities todiscover the joys of snowboarding in a convivial and festiveatmosphere. EuroSIMA (the European Boardsports IndustryManufacturers Association on, and theWSF (World Snowboard Federation), who launched this event,don’t want to stop here, and return with new challenges:more countries, mores snow resorts, and more activities.

World Snowboard Day — presentation from Oz Sports on Vimeo.

The aim of this day is to open the winter season and celebrate snowboardingeverywhere in the world. The snowboard scene(federations, resorts, clubs, shops, pro riders,associa#ons, brands… ) mobilizes worldwide andoff ers free initiations, demos, products testing, andother activities such as parties and concerts to thegeneral public.

So, while waiting for December 20, 2009, don’t hesitate to visit the offi cialwebsite of the World Snowboard Day and learn more about this exciting day…

Other information avaible on

Donwload the teaser at follwoing link (use “Right Click, Save with Name” command):
World Snowboard Day 2009 – Teaser

Donwload the poster at follwoing link (use “Right Click, Save with Name” command):
World Snowboard Day 2009 – Poster