WSF General Assembly 2015 Countdown

In less than 15 days the world of snowboarding will meet in Vienna to discuss about the future of the sport. WSF encourage the NSA delegates responsible for events and grass root development to join the following two interactive sessions:

Open Workshop on Event, Judging and Ranking (Friday, 29. May. 2:30pm) 

The workshop hosted by the WSF Event and WSF Judge Committtee serves as an open discussion platform for all competition format and judging related topics. All interested parties are invited to attend or, if this is not possible, submit their questions and suggestions beforehand. The questions will be discussed in an open forum. Wherever possible, immediate solutions will be found and answers will be given. All other areas that are identified will be prepared as part of the committees and updates will follow in fall 2015.


Panel on grass root development (Friday, 29. May. 4:30pm)

In the panel, the work on grass root development in the different countries will be addressed extensively. By releasing a document on how to develop of a strong snowboard community, the WSF Education Committee will make the experience gained by “model of best practices” available to all WSF members. The panel aims at exchanging experience and expertise in order to motivate all NSAs be active in this field.


Beside those 2 important sessions, the agenda of the weekend includes various meetings of common interest for all: NSAs, riders, TTR delegates, event organizers, and snowboard industries. Please read the schedule below:

Program for the weekend
Location: Fleming’s Hotel Westbahnhof, Vienna, Austria

Friday, 29th of May 2015

09:00 WSF Board of Directors (BoD) Meeting
11:30 Strategy meetings WSF BoD and TTR BoD
12:30 Lunch
13:30 WSF GA: Welcome / short recap of 2014.15
14:30 Workshop on events, judging and rankings
16:30 Panel on grass root development
17:30 WSF/TTR session: WCS Yabuli 2016
19:00 End of meetings
20:00 Common Dinner with TTR at Restaurant Steman

Saturday, 30th of May 2015

09:00 WSF/TTR Joint Session
– Status WSF / Status TTR
– Future Tour Structure
– Integration of riders interests
– Judging & Education
12:30 Lunch
14:00 WSF GA: Proposal and Approvals
15:00 WSF GA: Elections of the BoD
16:30 TTR GA & Votes
18:00 WSF BoD meeting with new elected BoD
20:30 Dinner & Party at Restaurant: Heuriger Hengl-Haselbrunner

Sunday, 31st of May 2014

11:00 WSF and TTR individual meetings / committee meetings
13:00 GA closed

If you are not able to attend, you can submit your questions to


WSF Press Team


Author: Elisa