(c) Word Rookie Tour

WSF Judging Program: Free online training is now available!

Judge education is a key program within the WSF. This is for everyone who wants to become an official C-Level judge to experience the progression of snowboarding from the front row.

The WSF is very proud that the free online training for judges is now available on the WSF Academy. Completely free of charge and accessible for everyone. If offers you lots of material and training tools to become a certified C-Level Judge for regional and national events. The course includes everything you need to know and covers the basics of Snowboard Judging as well as all Freestyle disciplines in detail (Big Air, Rails, Slopestyle, Halfpipe). In total it consists of 67 sessions with 3 hours of video material. 

How to obtain a C-Level Judge License: 

STEP 1: FREE online training

An easy accessible online tool to test your knowledge and to improve your skills. Enroll for it today: https://wsf-academy.thinkific.com/courses/snowboard-judges-education-2023-24

STEP 2: Certification test 

Once you have completed the online training and feel ready, you can apply for the certification test. Please note: Access to the certification test to obtain your license requires a payment or voucher.

As the WSF would love to see more women in judging, it offers the test to all female judges for free. Please contact judging@worldsnowboardfederation.org in case you need vouchers for the test. 

STEP 3: Judges Clinic

Your last step on your way to become a certified C-Level judge is to attend a judge-clinic in-person in your country held by one of the WSF Certified Instructors. For all judges who are unable to attend a training held by one the Certified Instructors, an official Online Judges Clinic is offered mid-December 2023. Everybody who completed the free online training and successfully managed the test by that time, will receive an invitation to that. 



For all WSF members: If you have have any applicants in your regions you would like to nominate as a certified instructor, please send an e-mail to judging@worldsnowboardfederation.org, including a brief judging CV. All applicants will receive an invite to the in-person training coming up soon (scheduled for Tuesday, Nov. 7th).

For more information about clinics in your country, the Certified Instructors training or questions in general, please contact judging@worldsnowboardfederation.org. 

The WSF wants to thank WSF Judge Coordinator Tom Wagener and Caz Vogan for their input and effort to put the free online course and the program together.


Photo-Credit Action: (c) World Rookie Tour

Author: Birgit