Executive Board

The WSF Executive Board is composed of:

  • a President;
  • four Vice-Presidents;
  • five Members;
  • two Athletes Representatives, on proposal of the Athletes;
  • three Organiser Representatives, on proposal of Organiser;
  • a Secretary General with voice but no vote

Experience: 1995 ISF World champion, Davos, Switzerland 1995 /1996 US Open HP Champion, Stratton, USA / 1998 Olympic Athlete, Nagano, Japan / 2004 – 2018 National judge + Head Judge / 2006 – 2014 TTR 5 & 6 star judge / Athlete and Event management, Partner/ Co- founder at Bueno & Co. Ltd 9years / Editor in Chief at Rodeo snowboard magazine 2 years / TTR board member 3 years / The Association of Finnish sports managers board member 4 years / The Association of Finnish sports managers Vice president 2 years

Key Focus: I have strong contest and judging, event and camp organizer, and snowboarding and skateboarding, Athlete management experience.

How do you link with development snowboarding? I’m involved with many different projects from junior camps and events, women’s snowboarding events, adaptive snowboarding to high level snowboarding and snowboard media.

Experience: Co Founder Rookie Tour / Co Founder WSF BSL Tour / Sponsor Search WRT / Event Coordinator Rookie Tour 3 Years /Nation Coordinator WSF 4 years / WSF President 2 years / WSF Vice President / ASA Vice President / ASA Event manager

Key focus: Development (youth, amateur), Events, transferring ideas into reality (practical skills)

How you link with development snowboard? Rookie Tour/Rookie Rank (Organiser, Founder), Austria Cup Tour (Organiser, Founder), Super Grom Tour (Organiser, Founder), BSL Tour (Developer, Founder)

Experience: FIS TD, developed the national (junior) event series in Germany, Chairman of the Competition Committee, WSF Vice-President (1 Year), Member of the EU Advisory Group of the European Sport Federations, Lawyer , Member of EU Sport InterGroup. (just choose what fits -be free)

Key focus: Due to my strong involvement in sport politics and law on European level linked with my experience as former athlete, TD and event organizer.  Iwill focus on the recognition & sustainability of the WSF as body for grassroots snowboarding. But it’s also a big request for me to offer snowboarding as a platform to make the world a little better and be even more connected – regardless from old sensitivities

How you link with development snowboard? Development of the national event series in Germany in 3 different disciplines – open from 0-99 years.

Experience: 19 years as a top program director and coach in the US across all disciplines. / 10x JWC coach for the USA / Snowboard Chairman- USSA Board of Directors- 6 years / President USASA – 5 years / Executive Director USASA –current

Key focus: I bring a coaching and athlete perspective along with the ability to see the bigger picture for the development of snowboarding below FIS age.  I am a team leader and well respected professional in all areas of competitive snowboarding.

How you link with development snowboard? USASA is the largest independent event organization in the world with over 5000 members.  The model of granular grass roots development of sport through regional events has been the foundation of US Snowboarding for the last 15 years.

Experience: 25 + Years Snowboarding / Coaching (Slope, Half Pipe) / World Cup through Grass Roots Event Delivery / Resourcing, Strategy Development and Long Term Athlete System Development

Key focus:  The skills I will use with WSF will be in building partnerships that will enable a strong and clearly aligned Global Snowboard system and pathway for athletes (all disciplines). I will use my Strategic Planning skills to ensure the Vision and Mission of this organization can become realized through proper planning and strengthened resourcing.

How you link with development snowboard? Long Term Athlete Development Planning Expertise – Coach, Officials, Judge, Development Pathway and Curriculum Expertise, Program development to ensure each stage of snowboard participation has the right attributes to keep kids and potential athletes engaged and progressing.

Experience: Associate Professor in sport management at the Norwegian School of Sport Sciences with a research focus on sport governance and politics as well as organization youth sport / Board member of Norwegian NSA: main area of work is focused on international strategy, politics and establishing Norwegian board sports federation (with the goal to take control and care of our own sports and culture) / Former General Secretary of WSF / Experienced event manager of international (youth) snowboard events.

How you link with development snowboard? United governance of snowboarding including all key actors: nations, events, riders and industry that cherishes the culture of the sport – from grass roots to top level.

Experience:  32 years snowboarding, Owner of Stylewars & The Mile High events for 15 years, TTR Executive Board for 5 years, General Manager Method Media and editorial director of Method Mag 4 years, Manager of Park & Pipe Snowboarding for AUS NSO (current), Member FIS Park & Pipe Committee

Key Focus: Keeping snowboarding fun and progressive and true to its roots

How you link with development snowboard? I am the pathway developer for AUS from grassroots to elite across all aspects of the sport. This includes managing a snowboarding event series, building the high performance programs and working with the talent-identified athletes on a daily basis to help navigate them through today’s sports system. Having come from running elite level events I see that a major issue today is creating the hype with kids at the grass roots level to give them the passion to progress through to elite level.

Experience: 20 year’s experience in Snowboard Industry / Director Swiss-Snowboard / Vice president WSF for 3 years (2015 – 2018) / Member FIS Snowboard – Freestyle – Freeski Top Committee

Key focus: Due to my many years of experience in the snowboard industry I also see myself as a link between the competition sport and snowboard industry. Additionally I am employed in a ski association that has managed to integrate snowboarding since many years and still leave “us” independent.

How you link with development snowboard? I can bring in experience from other snowboard disciplines as the responsible sports director for all snowboard disciplines. In addition, we organize one of the largest and most successful junior series worldwide in Switzerland. I am involved in the development of athlete pathways in snowboarding.

Experience: Head coach for the Swedish National Team since 2010 / previously snowboard instructor and educator / examination for Swedish snowboard instructors.

Key focus: I have a close connection to the top level of competitive snowboarding as a slopestyle and big air coach, with good relations to riders as well as coaches and organizers across nations. This gives me a deep understanding for the riders concerns and interests and how it can affect the development and progression of

How you link with development snowboarding? As a major part of my job is to travel to training camps and contests with my team, I’m constantly involved in discussions concerning judging, formats, course setups, calendar planning etc. Topics that concern competitive snowboarding basically and directly affect the riders and the progression of the sport.

Experience: co-founder World Rookie Tour, Event organizer, Race Director/Technical delegate, Web&Graphic designer, Web management and Communication

Key focus: Through World Rookie Tour and events I have connections with riders, coaches and nations especially at a youth level. I’m also working in graphics, web-communication and web-management with knowledge about web-pages, web-coding and web-databases.

How you link with development snowboarding? I’m involved in different projects as an Events organizer, World Rookie Tour TD and organizer, Snowpark management, Publishing company and the Italian National Snowboard Association which is independent from the FIS aligned association. So I have a wide range of relations that help to have an overview of the different needs for the development of snowboarding.

Experience: 1979 Junior National Skateboard Champion / Snowboarding since 1981 / 1989 Snowboard Supervisory Editor for Japan’s 1st Snowboard magazine “SnowStyle”/ 1990, first edition of Halfpipe Judge Manual for JSBA (Japan Snowboarding Association) / International Snowboard Freestyle Judge for ISF (International Snowboard Federation) at a number of Sanctioned World Cup Events.2000 / 2003 elected Director International Committee Ministry of Competitions JSBA / 2007 Long Board Classic Stuben AUT “Soul Master” award / TTR 6 Star event “Nissan X-Trail Jam in Tokyo Dome” Head Judge with Michi Albin, Ingemar Backman, Bryan Iguchi and Jonas Emery / Official DJ for WRF.

Key focus: Life Time Sports experience.

How you link with development snowboarding? I have organized a number of years of Nationals and Rookie Fest in Japan. As you can see this has helped make a reality what happened at the 2018 X GAMES in Norway with a number of Young Japanese Riders making the podium. New concept for Family orientated snowboard event.

Experience: Founder and General Manager of Absolut Park Flachauwinkl / Spring Battle and Jib King / former TTR board member for 5 years / KPMG for 5 years (audit and advisory) / ASA board member

Key focus: Management, business development and marketing

How you link with development snowboarding? Absolut Park and its events have always shown young riders a path to get from grass root level to the top 10 of the world. Current and former winners and top riders of WSPL/WST (ie Anna Gasser, Seppe Smits, Marco Grilc, Sven Thorgren, Kevin Backstrom, Billy Morgan, …) started and developed their pro career in Absolut Park or at one of its competitions.

Experience: Rider back in the days / Pirate crew member / Judge (regional – international) / Event organizer QParks / ASA Board member / Shape academy regional manager.

Key focus: Contacts to riders from regional to pro level, events for every level (competition, lifestyle, shootings, fun, and so on), contacts to the industry, media, team manger, coaches.

How you link with development snowboard? I am organizing a wide range of events in grassroots and regional/national level on different formats. Working for one oft he biggest snowpark builder we try to create a lot of infrastructure for freestyle snowboarding.

Experience: 14 years organizing Grandvalira Total Fight, Grandvalira Freestyle snowpark & camps at El tarter Snowpark

Key Focus: My focus is above all on snowboarding global governance as an independent entity with events taking a big role on promoting the sport.

How do you link with development snowboard? From grass roots competitions to teaching, snowboard media, park development and the Snowboard Tour, we have to see snowboard as a global core divided into multiple disciplines in which the WSF has to play a leading role.