Features News Reports

National Judges Education Clinic 2017/2018 – Report

At the end of September, the national judges education clinic went down in Bulgaria: Ivan Ivanov organised a great clinic and made all the judges feel great and embrace Bulgaria as it welcomed us with its usual Balkan hospitality.
Around 60 judges from 23 countries took part in this session and everybody was really satisfied for the great experience and outcomes, also thanks to the participation of Pat Duffy, legendary pro skater from California (also a skateboard judge).

The material, explained and showed during the clinic, was financed by the WSF and TTR to help all NSAs judges to provide the Judge Training in the Nation.


The National Judges Education Clinic includes two parts. The first part is the PowerPoint presentation and the second part are videos for amplitude, trick recognition, difficulty and videos for deductions and for practice judging with steno and ranking. It is course divided into two days. The main focus on the first day is on theory with some videos and the focus on the second day is on practice judging. The content of the presentation should be well structured and should allow a training for both beginning judges and advanced judges. If you have only advanced judges participating in the clinic you don’t need to spend too much time on Judging and Snowboard basics. Instead you should focus more on the videos. Please feel free to add general information and news from your nation by yourself. You also can choose a subject by of your own  for the last point – special topics – or you leave it. Timetable wise feel free to change according to your needs wherever you feel like going a little deeper into it. As the judge director of your Nation you should know your judges and where some more focus on theory or practice would be appreciated.


For deduction you have for each discipline Big Air, Rail, Slopestyle and Halfpipe 5 runs with small, medium and hard mistakes Men and Women mixed. For amplitude, trick recognition and difficulty you can choose some videos by yourself from the selection of all videos. I would recommend you to take some Men and Women mid level runs from Big Air, Rail Halfpipe and Slopestyle. The practice videos for Big Air, Rail, Slopestyle and Halfpipe you also have for Men and Women different level from low to pro level – attention there is not that many Slopestyle feeds (don’t waste them all for amplitude, trick recognition and difficulty).


For any further questions, feedbacks and material request, please contact directly Anna Negri (, WSF general secretary, who will provide you with further information or get you in touch with the people in charge.

Photo Credits by Bartek Golebiowski
